sandy betts, Subject: Another possible Z comunication ? Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:30 pm
On Tuesday 1-1-11, Zamantha and I were invited to have lunch with Kevin Fagan ! (We became friends at one of Lyndon Lafferty’s interviews this past yr.)
Kevin showed us around the Chronicle, and introduced us as his Zodiac investigators, then he threw in, that we were not any of the crazy Z people LOL. ( I wonder how I pulled that one off ? )
We were shown the box of the Unabomber case ! We were shown the notes taken at the trial. Zamantha took some pictures of those, just for AK .
As soon as she understands her new Mac, she will down load all of the pictures .
Kevin gave us a copy of a unpublished Zodiac Halloween card/ 3 page letter ! I have to say, it is very much like the old Z style printing. The tone was much different than what I have read over the yrs.
I looked closely at it, and found that it was written in a fast manner, not like someone trying to copy z’s printing.
This latest Z communication, was written to Robt Graysmith. RG was not interested in seeing it, after all his suspect is deceased.
That is too bad, because the writer was telling him things that only a stalker would know about R.G. This writer told of how he would watch R.G. taking his son to school, and other places.
The writer also made it sound as if he had a split personality, like a part of him had a conscience ? ( That is way off of my thoughts about the sicko Z man )
This card/ letter, was dated Oct 27Th 2010 , 40 year anniversary date of the Halloween card sent to Paul Avery. Again , Zamantha will share it asap.
You can judge it for yourselves.
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:10 pm
Cool look forward to seeing it. Thanks Zam for taking pics of the Unabomber stuff!
Boilermaker, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:13 pm
thanks for sharing Sandi – what was your initial reaction when you visited the SFC where a lot of the Z activity started?
sandy betts, Subject: Part of San Francisco’s History Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:01 pm
thanks for sharing Sandi – what was your initial reaction when you visited the SFC where a lot of the Z activity started?
It took me back to a time when Zodiac was very involved in writing mostly to the S.F. Chronicle. I knew that Herb Cain was a icon there, but seeing his plaque, the bronze bust of him, and the actual typewriter he used with one of his letters still in it, magnified it for me. I wondered if the Zodiac had ever walked where I had walked that day ? Did Z know that Paul Stine was going to work there ?
I thought about the many letters that I had written to Paul Avery about the Zodiac, and the Z watch case that I had seen in a window off of Willow pass rd in Concord ca. Which ended up changing what LE first thought about the Z logo being a gun sight. Paul Avery forwarded my letters to Robt. Graysmith, and that is how I ended up in his Zodiac Unmasked book.
My feelings towards Graysmith, is very different than most. He saved my life by writing the Z book . Jan 88, I was able to recognize my stalker , because R.G. gave the description of what Kathleen Johns saw the abductor had on that frightful night. My stalker had the audacity to come into my work wearing those same clothes. And to get me alone, to hear his taunting robot voice.( Sorry I tend to write the things that go though my head when I post. )
But to put it in a nut shell , I had a many different emotions while at the Chronicle. Its a beautiful historical building. My thanks to Kevin Fagan for inviting us, I will be forever grateful to him.
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:01 pm
I also would like to see it, Kevin had mentioned he would pass it along to me a while back, but I never did see it.
Zamantha, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:04 pm
I also would like to see it, Kevin had mentioned he would pass it along to me a while back, but I never did see it.
I’m trying to load it now…with no such luck. Please read thread on computer posting issues and see if you or anyone can help. Thanksssssssss
bentley, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:56 am
Posting for Zamantha. I have not read it yet.. Thanks Sandy and Zam!
tahoe27, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:08 am
I’m 99% sure I know who wrote this!
:silent: for now…
Qz1, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:19 am
tahoe27, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:31 am
Don’t know about that….although it sure comes across as someone like her. Let’s just say we’ve "communicated".
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:41 pm
Don’t know about that….although it sure comes across as someone like her. Let’s just say we’ve "communicated".
Cant see the envelope too well, where was it postmarked?
sandy betts, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:09 pm
It was mailed from San Bernardino , But that could just be a place he was driving through ?
I have re read the letters a few times now, to try and make some sense of them.
"This is only my opinion", and understand that I can’t help but compare these letters to my poi ( sorry ).
This person is insane for starters, clever yes.
He, and I say "he" , because I don’t feel this is from a female at all. The writer was telling RG, that he was sitting in the back seat of his car, as a "invisible" person. (I am very sure that RG would have seen a stranger in his car, Geez that is a no brainer ?)
A part of this writer feels that he can change into a female, or he is gay ? The little girl was imaginary, I think ?
The paragraph where he wrote : I knew it was you. But said it was a old man with his grandson. So he wouldn’t harm you. Robert
He was saying that his other personality,( The bad one) would have harmed Robert ,if he didn’t try to make it seem as if Robert was someone else.
I only wish that Robt Graysmith would read these , I would like to know if in fact he did go to the dry cleaners on Thursday’s ? Even though the writer wasn’t sure if it was Thursday’s or not. It seemed it would be on a week day, because he then mentions the Chronicle. But the one thing that he mentioned more than once was that RG went to the wharf at lunch time. If that turns out to be true, then it is someone who did watch RG. That to me is pretty scary, even if its some other nut case. I don’t remember RG ever saying that the Z’s writing was beautiful ?
The printing is very much like the Z’s, but I found it odd that he would use the words "wouldn’t"and couldn’t, instead of would not, could not. That is unusual for the Z to do that. Z mostly wrote in a formal manner. This could be a forgery , because the z didn’t always use the 3 stroke k, like he is in these letters. His left margin was even in the letters that the z had written in the past, these are not. My poi’s hands are shaky now ,so unless he has meds that can stop that from happening, it is not my poi .
It just came to me ,that the date of these letters, are two days before Lyndon’s book party last yr ! I don’t know if it was in the news papers ?
There are a lot of letters in these letters, that are spot on, so I won’t poo-poo it yet.
What is missing if it were a copy cat, is "This is the Zodiac speaking "and there is not a Z logo anywhere.
I would think that a copy cat would use something that everyone knows the z used ? The three stars at the bottom of shattered remains, must mean something ,but what I have no idea ? The stamp on the envelope has 3 stars at the top of the purple hart stamp. It is straight ,and not like other Z stamps.
Have any of you Googled Philip Glass and Dead things ? I did this morning , it is something that I can see the Z listening to. I liked it very much myself, also The hours.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:21 pm
A San Bernadino post mark fits.
Sandy–I think this person was saying they were in the back seat of "Zodiac’s" car…not Graysmith’s. They are saying they saw RG’s son in RG’s car–so this person told "Zodiac" RG was an old man, etc. so he would not harm RG and his son.
This is what rings of good ole "little Debbie"(not that I think the letter writer is Debbie). This person is saying they wrote the letters….not that they were Zodiac.
sandy betts, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:47 pm
Tahoe, That sure makes a lot of sense, thanks you could be right.
Z is someone who enjoys making everyone wonder, so I am not sure about any of it yet.
If it was Deb P ,I wonder why she would try and make it look so Zodiac like, when she is pushing for the z to be her dad , who is dead ?
Whom ever it is ,I think they have a lot of very serous mental issues. Each time I read these, I find different things.
I just sent LL a Email to find out if his party last yr ,was announced in any news papers ?
Its another odd coincidence , the timing of this . Also that LL received something, that brought LE racing to his home about the same time.
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:23 pm
Here we go again with the SAN BERNARDINO clues. Why does that town keep popping up? That writing looks nothing like ZODE’S who lives there in San Bernardino. By the way, I may have missed it, what date and year was ot postmarked?
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:28 pm
My first thoughts is this is a copycat trying to immitate Zodiac’s writing. The more I look at it, I see some similarities to Z, like the AND aymbol, and the dotted letter i, and a few other things. Also, the lower case checkmark ‘r’. The lower case d is much neater then all of Zodiac’s, and it does not almost lie on its side like Zodiac’s. I also see some similarities in this writing when compared to some of the ‘unconfirmed’ Zodiac letters that are posted on the forum, which were obtained under the freedom of info act from the FBI. I will have to look closer.
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:46 pm
compare some of the letter ‘f’ and the letter ‘d’ in this letter, against the BLEEDING KNIFE letter:
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:54 pm
I see alot of similarities. Does anybody else?
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:57 pm
Yes I do see some similarity between Bleeding Knife/State is in Trouble and the 2010.
But I feel very strong that this 2010 letter is (A) Not from Zodiac and (B) Was done by a woman.
Theforeigner, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:26 pm
Tanks for posting those letters and card.
Ipost this which I just posted over at .
And I can see that Qz1 on page one of this thread also had the same thought, but anyway here is my thoughs:
I agree that the handwriting could resemble some of the Zodiac letters handwritings.
However I tend to belive that the writer could be Deborah Perez, who in 2009 claimed that her father Guy Ward Hendrickson was the Zodiac, and the SHE HERSELF wrote the letters.
Deborah Perez live close to the Riverside/ San Bernadino area, and as I understand it, that is werefrom the letters were sent.
And the letters saying that "I was a little girl" and "I was in the back seat" etc all things that DP claimed, and the letter saying "I tried to tell them, if only they choose to listen" That would also fit DP.
I could easely imagin that she has lost her mind after all that happened following her announcement that he father was the Zodiac killer and that she herself helped him etc, and then after police etc checked out her "evidence" nothing turned out to prove her claims to be true.
Just my humble opinion.
sandy betts, Subject: Wasn’t Z thought to have effeminate ways ? Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:50 pm
Yes I do see some similarity between Bleeding Knife/State is in Trouble and the 2010.
But I feel very strong that this 2010 letter is (A) Not from Zodiac and (B) Was done by a woman.
Experts over the yrs, have said the same thing about some of the Zodiac’s letters, being written by a woman.
Especially the card sent to Donna Lass’s sister Mary. I am still open to it being a possible Z comunication, even though I think the tone of the letters are very different. I also believe that there have been other real z letters that were tossed, because they were thought to be fakes.
If it weren’t for the bloody piece of Stine’s shirt with a letter, the police would not have believed it was the Z who shot Paul Stine. Z changes with the wind, so who really knows for sure ?
I can understand the people who have a poi’s, who are either dead or in jail , sure they would have to think these are fake.
I happen to believe the Z is very much alive, still killing from time to time, but like he said, is not telling anyone who or when. This sort of killer , (I have been told ) can’t just stop killing. He enjoys the kill, and the fear he sees in the faces of his victims, before he kills them.
The blitz attacks he did in his earlier yrs, stopped giving him satisfaction. He "I believe" did change his MO , and has spent some time with his latest victims. "Please "remember, that these are just my feelings and thoughts, not anything I can prove are facts. Only the Z himself knows for sure.
Luke68, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:46 pm
This letter was either written by Perez or someone pretending to be Perez.
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:05 pm
This letter was either written by Perez or someone pretending to be Perez.
Yes I agree.
sandy betts, Subject: Mocking Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:14 pm
This letter was either written by Perez or someone pretending to be Perez.
Yes I agree.
It wouldn’t be unlike the z to mock Perez. I just don’t see her being clever enough to pull it off. She never really knew the case well enough to even get her dates straight. She thought Cheri Jo was stabbed on Halloween night ? Believed Jim Phillips was dead, ( that really blew it for her ). She said she was his cousin, oops !
Myself and a few others set her up for that fall, on the Opord site.
I just can’t see her writing these letters, I do see the Z doing it, with out a problem. If someone was to trace the Zodiac’s printing, it would be detected real fast. These were done so fast, that mistakes were made because of it.
Wouldn’t a copy cat draw at least one Z logo ? There are certain things missing, that a copy cat would have to be sure to put in these letters. Its because they are missing ,that I tend to think its a true Z communication.
I am wondering if someone in Vallejo let him know that Lyndon was having a book party on Halloween ? And he was driving back from southern Calif. so not to miss it ?
Lyndon received a typed Z letter, two days after the party was announced in the VTH. With it was some Z evidence, that only the z would have access to having. It is apparently a match to other police evidence !
bentley, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:33 pm
Lyndon received a typed Z letter, two days after the party was announced in the VTH. With it was some Z evidence, that only the z would have access to having. It is apparently a match to other police evidence !
Sandy, is this evidence public knowledge, and if not so, do you know why?
Boilermaker, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:34 pm
Any clues to the Z evidence LL received?
Also, any timeframe on his book being released for the public?
Qz1, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:59 pm
Its supposedly a piece of Stine’s shirt. If it was legit it would be big(bigger) news.
bentley, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:04 am
Thank you Qz1. And it should be a fairly easy to authenticate.
Qz1, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:17 am
Yes. It should.
sandy betts, Subject: Evidence ? Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:24 am
As far as I know the letter is public knowledge, its on his web site. I am not so sure about the mention of evidence being told just yet. That should shut up his sceptics !
He has had one hell of a hard time with the printing company he is using. I am thinking sometime near Christmas, but things happen and so we will see. I do know that he will have all of it in his book, from what he told Zam and I. So the evidence should be in the book.
I can only guess what the evidence might be ? Think about it, it was SF DOJ that raced to his home. That tells me its SFPD evidence , right ? Now think about what evidence did the Zodiac give SFPD ? If I were the Zodiac ,and I wanted to prove that it was I who was sending a typed letter. I would use evidence that could not be disputed . I am guessing a part of Stine’s shirt. Now please don’t get too excited , I don’t have any inside knowledge about this . "Its only my best guess"
OMG ! I can hear it all know . Extra, Extra read all about it ! Sandy Betts is now claiming that a part of Stine’s shirt was sent by the Zodiac killer !!!!! (Geez I hope not) But then there are people who don’t have a life, that look for anything I say, and turn it inside out and upside down LOL.
sandy betts, Subject: Evidence ? Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:30 am
While I was typing, I see that Qz1 posted his finding about the evidence. May I ask where you read that ?
Was it someone else just taking a wild guess ?
Qz1, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:36 am
Less a wild guess than a logical inference. The purported piece of physical evidence is said to match a piece of evidence already in custody. There is nothing else that it could be.
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:14 am
Sandy, do you know what town the letter sent to Lyndon Lafferty was postmarked in?
Zamantha, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:19 pm
Sandy, do you know what town the letter sent to Lyndon Lafferty was postmarked in?
Just sent a message off to Lyndon. Wanted to know if we could have an update on the letter sent to him. Sandy or I will let you know as soon as we know something.
Read The Threat to the
Zamantha, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:47 am
Sandy, do you know what town the letter sent to Lyndon Lafferty was postmarked in?
Just heard back from Lyndon. He told me the letter was postmarked Oakland. He gave me permission to share
this information.
KEY.SMITH697, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:31 am
:scratch: I’M UNABLE TO FOUND THE LETTER THAT WAS SENT TO Lyndon Lafferty on his site
Can we post it here Please
sandy betts, Subject: Oakland Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:43 am
I doubt that the letter per-say was shown on his site . Only the mention of it .
Oakland is where the postmark was stamped, do we know just how many times Oakland was mentioned in the Z case ?
I worked there, so it stood out each and every time I saw Oakland mentioned, in the case.
It was also the place I first saw my poi sense 1968. He managed to come into my work almost every night, then follow me home, trying to force me off the road . So "Oakland" is important as far as I am concerned.
Quagmire, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Tue Nov 08, 2011 5:52 am
I wonder if this letter sent to Lyndon will turn up as an appendix in his book? I’m not accusing him of any publicity seeking but it sure wouldn’t harm his book sales…
, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:12 am
I wonder if this letter sent to Lyndon will turn up as an appendix in his book?
I believe he has stated just that on his website. "Shocking Addendum" if I recall correctly.
Quagmire, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:33 am
Thanks BigZ – I haven’t read his site. Good publicity move though by the sounds of it
bentley, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:48 am
Well, DOJ has had the letter and evidence for a year now, and they know who the book implicates…
Qz1, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:31 am
Perhaps the book will end up being releasd as a work of fiction.
Qz1, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:33 am
Well, DOJ has had the letter and evidence for a year now, and they know who the book implicates…
The book implicates the Zodiac, does it not?
tahoe27, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:37 am
Well, DOJ has had the letter and evidence for a year now, and they know who the book implicates…
The book implicates the Zodiac, does it not?
It implicates a certain POI.
Zamantha, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:40 pm
Well, DOJ has had the letter and evidence for a year now, and they know who the book implicates…
The book implicates the Zodiac, does it not?
It implicates a certain POI.
Lyndon has a POI for sure. His Book will also go into other aspects of the Z case.
sandy betts, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:42 pm
I wonder if this letter sent to Lyndon will turn up as an appendix in his book? I’m not accusing him of any publicity seeking but it sure wouldn’t harm his book sales…
The book will sell its self, I am very sure that a copy of that letter, will be in the book. It would be interesting to see if the Z is still using his old Royal Typewriter ? I hope that a picture of the evidence, will be there as well.
sandy betts, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:03 am
It hardly seems that a yr has passed ,sense Zam and I gathered together the Halloween party items and cake, for Lyndon’s book party on the 31st of Oct 2010.
As we were preparing for that , the zodiac or a copy cat, was in San Bernardino writing the 3 page letter, and Halloween card. to be sent to SF Chronicle / Robert Graysmith.
I can’t help but wonder what his plan was for the past Oct 31st .
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:55 pm
Posting for Zamantha. I have not read it yet.. Thanks Sandy and Zam!
Haven’t heard much on this letter lately. Anybody have any fresh thoughts regarding it?
bentley, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:51 pm
Haven’t heard much on this letter lately. Anybody have any fresh thoughts regarding it?
Yes I do. I’m gland I’m not RGS!
Seriously, didn’t read the whole thingy but it says something about keys, and even before that I noticed the zip code on the address looks a lot like the 1990 card that had the keys in it, or rather the photocopy of keys. See how the 9410 gets progressively smaller and then the 3 is larger?
Hard to see with the dark envelope, maybe Trav can work his magic, I need a nap. Please no calls, and no cards.
patinky, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:41 pm
My thoughts are an impostor wrote the letter. It looks feminine. The phrasing and indentations are off. The letters just don’t look like the confirmed copies of the Zodiac correspondence. Sorry but I just don’t buy it.
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:54 pm
My thoughts are an impostor wrote the letter. It looks feminine. The phrasing and indentations are off. The letters just don’t look like the confirmed copies of the Zodiac correspondence. Sorry but I just don’t buy it.
I think there is some beliefe indeed that the writer was feminine. I wonder what Graysmith thought of this stuff. This person that wrote this obviously has some short-comings :scratch:
Nachtsider, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:47 pm
There is a feminine air to the missive’s content, but that hardly means anything – I know some men whose writings have been mistaken for that of women, until the analyser was told otherwise. Some letters (the upper case I’s in particular) line up quite alright with Zodiac’s, but others do not.
All in all, a weird piece of work. Tahoe seems to know something about its origins; if so, I trust her judgement that it’s not the real McCoy.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:41 pm
There is a feminine air to the missive’s content, but that hardly means anything – I know some men whose writings have been mistaken for that of women, until the analyser was told otherwise. Some letters (the upper case I’s in particular) line up quite alright with Zodiac’s, but others do not.
All in all, a weird piece of work. Tahoe seems to know something about its origins; if so, I trust her judgement that it’s not the real McCoy.
Well, thanks for the vote of confidence Nacht. Can’t speak for the red enevelope, although there are some similarities.
TimeCop, Subject: WOW…HEY MORF Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:47 am
OMG. Morf, did you get the hand writing samples I sent you at WS a week or so ago? Compare them please, this is ALICE(Zodiac) and his work indeed. I am confident it is, almost 100%.
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:54 am
OMG. Morf, did you get the hand writing samples I sent you at WS a week or so ago? Compare them please, this is ALICE(Zodiac) and his work indeed. I am confident it is, almost 100%.
I dont think I did, but you can PM them to me here again. I DID see some of what you posted on the main forum,and I saw some similarity but also some key differences too, one that I rememebr off hand was a difference in the number 2
tahoe27, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:41 pm
OMG. Morf, did you get the hand writing samples I sent you at WS a week or so ago? Compare them please, this is ALICE(Zodiac) and his work indeed. I am confident it is, almost 100%.
I know who wrote these letters…without one single doubt in my mind.
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:43 pm
OMG. Morf, did you get the hand writing samples I sent you at WS a week or so ago? Compare them please, this is ALICE(Zodiac) and his work indeed. I am confident it is, almost 100%.
I know who wrote these letters…without one single doubt in my mind.
Please do tell….via PM if you like
tahoe27, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:09 pm
OMG. Morf, did you get the hand writing samples I sent you at WS a week or so ago? Compare them please, this is ALICE(Zodiac) and his work indeed. I am confident it is, almost 100%.
I know who wrote these letters…without one single doubt in my mind.
Please do tell….via PM if you like
I thought I had.
Not speaking of TimeCops samples. Just the letters/cards in this thread. If you are on this message board…you’ll figure it out…oh great Zodiac sleuths! Lol :scratch: :study:
morf13, Subject: Re: Another possible Z comunication ? Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:12 pm
OKAY, I remember…..I know what you mean :affraid: :lol!:
I forget, do you think they also wrote the Eureka card too?
Brought this over from the old board. GGluckman brought it to my attention in a recent conversation we were having in PM regarding handwriting.
I had seen it when it was first posted I think but decided that you guys were probably going to come to a conclusion of not authentic. I don’t think it is Z either but there are some interesting inclusions that might be worth mentioning. Anyway I think there’s more to be discussed on this and I’m interested to hear how you guys still feel about and any new thoughts anyone might have.
Or even, "We know that’s not Zodiac because we found out that ……." That would be good too lol. (I see that pretty much happened near the end)
It’s a good forgery, at least one of the more creative ones if that is the case. Even at that I’m curious to see what everyone spotted, or will spot, as being Zodiac like. Some useful things can be gathered, even from fakes because what they see often is important regarding Zodiac traits.
You know Trav, after looking at this again, I too see some stuff that jumps out at me, which is consistent all the way thru. If somebody was trying to make a letter that was a z forgery, and was planning on making every letter look like Zodiac’s letters, then they would have to constantly look back, and I think we would see a slip up on their part, but I see some consistent habits thruout. I know some people here think they know who wrote some of this stuff as well as the Eureka card, but think this merits a closer look
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
lets start with the easy ones. Even though they might have been missed. Second line on the card after the intro of Robert:. We have "att:" a replication of the pines card. Particularly because the lower case ‘a’ is used in place of a more traditional uppercase one. Then we have the underlining of the words "I know". This, for me, mimics the underlining of the word ‘thing’ on the dripping pen card. Two very obvious Zodiac ‘things’ in one line? Doesn’t seem subtle enough to me although, quite well done. It feels like trying to set a precedent but I could be wrong. Either way I appreciate the mind that perceived this.
Much of the material in the letters matches the perspective of Debbie Perez the woman who claimed her stepfather was the Zodiac and was later revealed to have earlier claimed that her real father was JFK.
The police investigated and were able to totally dismiss her Zodiac claims as fantasy.
Candy Cane F thruout, CHECK
3 Stroke K thruout, CHECK
Another thing Z did(which I remember Manalli did too), Z connected the T&H with words starting off with a capital T, like the word ‘This’. For me,one thing I look for because it always jumps out to me is Zodiac’s lower case J. It’s easily spotted in Zodiac’s writing,we see it on the Riverside desktop, and we see it here in this letter.
If somebody set out to forge this card, so far, they have done a good job in my opinion
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
Sandy brought up a good point-
"I looked closely at it, and found that it was written in a fast manner, not like someone trying to copy z’s printing."
I agree with her, I don’t see any signs of the writer stopping, and starting frequently, and the writing seems to flow naturally. Thoughts on this Trav?
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
The writer references ‘PHILIP GLASS’, ‘THE HOURS’,and ‘DEAD THINGS’
He is referencing this movie sdtrk:
I saw that movie a long time ago, but remember little of it.
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
Zam/Sandy, can you tell me, does Kevin Fagan still have these letters/card?
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
Sandy brought up a good point-
"I looked closely at it, and found that it was written in a fast manner, not like someone trying to copy z’s printing."I agree with her, I don’t see any signs of the writer stopping, and starting frequently, and the writing seems to flow naturally. Thoughts on this Trav?
I think I see that too. My feeling is that, either naturally or through practice?, the handwriting is already Zodiac like so take that as a starting point and then introduce actual Zodiacisms. Visually the result would be quite compelling but raise lots of questions as well. You see there are other habits hidden in there, beneath if not alongside, all the Zodiac like stuff that isn’t Zodiac like. I’ll use the capital I’s as an example. They are too wide for my liking. This isn’t limited to just comparing them to Z’s I’s, it’s the possible habit of employing that width that bothers me. Z wasn’t a wide writer. His I’s were more tall than wide.
Sandy brought up a good point-
"I looked closely at it, and found that it was written in a fast manner, not like someone trying to copy z’s printing."I agree with her, I don’t see any signs of the writer stopping, and starting frequently, and the writing seems to flow naturally. Thoughts on this Trav?
I think I see that too. My feeling is that, either naturally or through practice?, the handwriting is already Zodiac like so take that as a starting point and then introduce actual Zodiacisms. Visually the result would be quite compelling but raise lots of questions as well. You see there are other habits hidden in there, beneath if not alongside, all the Zodiac like stuff that isn’t Zodiac like. I’ll use the capital I’s as an example. They are too wide for my liking. This isn’t limited to just comparing them to Z’s I’s, it’s the possible habit of employing that width that bothers me. Z wasn’t a wide writer. His I’s were more tall than wide.
Could this have something to do with writing in blue felt tipped pen vs a regular ink pen?
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
Could this have something to do with writing in blue felt tipped pen vs a regular ink pen?
No I don’t think so. The one thing that might have an impact was that Z wrote quite small. Assuming that this was a disguise method and perhaps his ‘normal’ sized writing might employ more spacious characters. Unfortunately we have things like the envelope for the LA Times letter. It displays a more spacious style but nothing that says wide characters to me. They are all proportionally consistent with Z’s other writings despite being larger.
Could this have something to do with writing in blue felt tipped pen vs a regular ink pen?
No I don’t think so. The one thing that might have an impact was that Z wrote quite small. Assuming that this was a disguise method and perhaps his ‘normal’ sized writing might employ more spacious characters. Unfortunately we have things like the envelope for the LA Times letter. It displays a more spacious style but nothing that says wide characters to me. They are all proportionally consistent with Z’s other writings despite being larger.
My thoughts, it’s been 40 something years. I assume writing changes due to age, illness’s, broken arms, just about anything. So, I don’t expect current writings to look exactly like the old. But, I’m not a handwriting expert.
If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote
Writing changes do happen. However. If you consider that you write quite a bit over the course of your life, it’s one of those things that we don’t realise we are practicing. That means it’s ingrained. All of those first formed habits are carried through our entire lives and even though we might evolve them there will still be a signature there. Even at that there’s different levels so it’s pretty much followable. A persons writing history should read chronologically and make sense to anyone interpreting it. That’s why the omission or inclusion of ‘out of place’ characters are so important. They need a reason for being there. They have to fit the story of the writing.
With something so ingrained, and as humans we like default or easy, I don’t see age or even injury as possible reason from deviating from the story. Even disguise couldn’t alter that with Z himself, those ’74 letters were still spotted and rightly so IMO. Even with injury we find a way to compensate and your brain, despite the physical impairment, will still try to make you write the same. That may not be possible but if you consider the source of the effort, your own writing practice and the memory thereof, then even with the most distorted writing caused by injury I would still expect to see commonalities even if it’s down to the way certain curves are made or even attempted.
What about the context of the letter?
I don’t think they are trying to pretend to be Zodiac if they are saying they were a little girl who RG had(?) in their arms.
While that might not be true, I don’t the Zodiac would go that route. I think the writing style is simply to get his attention. I think it’s been proven many, many people write like Zodiac…in more ways than one.
Not that anything is out of the realm of possibility at this point.