The overall context seems to imply connection to Zodiac. Not least from the actual writing style. I pointed out the att: in the card. It is also on the envelope (bottom edge). What I can’t tell, for now, is the spelling of Graysmith, it could be Grey. Might be a telling mistake?
Yes, it’s all designed to get attention. The author admits that in their opening statement. The motive however is personal to the author. I don’t discern malice but rather an attempt to connect on a friendly level, albeit it misguided. Over the top? yes. Still though, quite well done. I’m not easily impressed but whether by accident or design I find this writing, for now, interesting.
But yeah, the overall tone seems female and the details about RG and his kid? WTF? This isn’t Zodiac as we perceive him to be. It’s too personal. Sure he attempted to reel in certain players like Belli with being pseudo-personal. He may have even softened in later years but to assume that he is now reaching out to RG and possibly validating his claims in the yellow book? Misdirection? Still? after all these years? No i don’t think so. Even if you did have a deathwish, and despite the high profile that RG has brought to this case, I can’t see the real Zodiac involving anyone but himself in a grand reveal. He might avail himself of that avenue but you can be damn sure he wouldn’t share the limelight. At least, not without good reason.
What about the context of the letter?
I don’t think they are trying to pretend to be Zodiac if they are saying they were a little girl who RG had(?) in their arms.
While that might not be true, I don’t the Zodiac would go that route. I think the writing style is simply to get his attention. I think it’s been proven many, many people write like Zodiac…in more ways than one.
Not that anything is out of the realm of possibility at this point.
Did I misread that? Will go back and look to see thought it read that they saw graysmith with a girl in his arms
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
Much of the material in the letters matches the perspective of Debbie Perez the woman who claimed her stepfather was the Zodiac and was later revealed to have earlier claimed that her real father was JFK.
The police investigated and were able to totally dismiss her Zodiac claims as fantasy.
Ak, you are right, much of this letter reads as if it was written by Deb Perez. It does indeed mention that the writer was a "little girl" and mentions "if only they knew that I wrote the letters".
My question is, and maybe we don’t know, (or I forgot)when and where was this card/letter postmarked from? If it’s a fake,it’s an amzing fake in my opinion. There’s alot here that looks alot like Zodiac to me,and again, the fact I don’t se signs of continued starting and stopping really stands out
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
A glaring difference in the styles is one that Morf noticed in Z’s confirmed writings – the way he grouped ‘gh’ in a word and separated them from the other letters, this is missing from what I’ve noticed in this card.
Another point is that initially I thought this had to be Z because there were so many similarities, but then that became a bit of a problem for me because I realized I was looking at patterns from multiple Z comms, some confirmed and some not. we know Z’s writing changed a bit even within a letter but when I see examples from his first ever letter mixed with examples from the Count Marco letter I start to wonder if someone hasn’t picked their words very studiously for a forgery.
I too would love to know if Tahoe managed to prove her theory even if she can only share a ‘yes’ or ‘no’
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Well no wonder Robert Graysmith dropped out of sight. God only knows the folks he attracted by writing his book,
including the Zodiac himself. This disturbed writer even mentions his son and his schedule. Whoever wrote this is
a problem and should be investigated. I find the tone very threatening, Zodiac or not.
You know Trav, after looking at this again, I too see some stuff that jumps out at me, which is consistent all the way thru. If somebody was trying to make a letter that was a z forgery, and was planning on making every letter look like Zodiac’s letters, then they would have to constantly look back, and I think we would see a slip up on their part, but I see some consistent habits thruout. I know some people here think they know who wrote some of this stuff as well as the Eureka card, but think this merits a closer look
I agree. Could this writer have been speaking poetically when he said, "you hail me in your arms. I was a little girl I’ll be right here you said. And still you are. Wanting for me. my sweet count"?
Psychological pros have profiled Z as impotent, enraged against females. Could he think that if he identifies himself with a little girl, Graysmith would accept him?
This would be like Zodiac: teasing that he is revealing, yet concealing, himself, throwing us on the wrong track, tripping us up with false clues.
Tahoe thinks Perez, or someone like her, wrote this. Can someone post a sample of Perez’s actual writing on here for comparison? Otherwise, it’s just conjecture.
Another question: Did the writer write the lyrics of a song by Philip Glass called "Shattered Remains" or "Dead Things"? I can’t find these lyrics online. Or is this a personal poem to Graysmith?
GESTR, in this instance, we are pretty sure that the person that wrote this IS indeed a girl, and we know who she is.
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
I don’t agree with that being written by a girl at all , I think it could be Zodiac mocking Perez. It has been thought before, that notes/ letters received by LE or SF Chron. could be from a female. Like the Hautz letter and the letter to Mary , Donna Lass’s sister .I think Zodiac wants people to think that Hautz letter was from a female telling about a boy/ himself, who had a bad childhood who was indeed the killer of Cheri Jo Bates.
It was too bad that Graysmith wouldn’t even look at that letter, to see if anything written was what he did on those days with his son .Of course Graysmith’s reason had to be because he felt Art Allen was Zodiac and he was dead , so it couldn’t be important for him read, that it had to be a hoax. Zodiac likes doing things that make us wonder if it is him or not who is still writing letters and still killing. He wants to keep his story in the news, without giving too much information to fire up LE, to do more busy work on looking for him.
My thoughts on Zodiac’s possible profile is , he started killig in his late 20’s to early 30’s , had a menial job. Hated his mother who he felt mistreated him and was overbaring. ( there for hated all females ) Father may have left him at an early age. Has problems with authority like police, self absorbed/ self centered . Feels superior, has no remorse or guilt for taking any lives, including childern. intelligent but in no way a genius. A coward for sure ! (Still alive and hiding in plain sight)
GESTR, in this instance, we are pretty sure that the person that wrote this IS indeed a girl, and we know who she is.
I’m glad that you’re so very sure, morf, but please do share your proof with the rest of us. I would like to be as sure as you are. Please post a sample of this girl’s writing, so that the rest of us can verify that she indeed wrote this letter.
Until then, I am keeping an open mind. Sandy made some very good points about Z pretending to be Hautz, etc.
You yourself, on another thread, pointed out how Z-like the words "ATTN: Editor" were on the crumpled envelope written (with ENT crossed out) in Patricia’s hand.
Since we’re dealing with a psychopath who seems (at the very least) to resent women, possibly feeling they have an unfair advantage over him, it is possible he would "poetically" portray himself as a little girl to Graysmith to win his sympathy. He obviously feels Graysmith has evidenced a fascination for him, to have studied him so much and to have written several books about him. The letter writer craves a relationship with Graysmith, yet knows Graysmith wouldn’t be ok with Zodiac. It may be hard for us to make the leap, but a psycho wouldn’t have any problem putting any fantasy in place he thought might persuade/trick/cajole Graysmith into a place of reciprocal feelings.
ps. There is no need to YELL, is there?
I can tell you it is not Perez. It is not the Zodiac killer.
For whatever reason, this person chose to write similar to Zodiac…maybe in order to get Graysmith’s attention. Please…do not waste your time wondering if this is a Zodiac communication. It simply is not so. But, I won’t be calling out this person publicly on this site and I don’t think any of the moderators are prepared to do that at this time.
This is a surprise! I would not think that any serious investigator would choose to believe something without any evidence; to state that they "know" who wrote something, without offering any proof.
And that any serious investigator would believe that someone could simply "choose" to write as Zodiac.
I’ve won art awards, yet I could not simply "choose" to write as Zodiac. No one can.
That’s why LE uses handwriting analysis. Handwriting is so deeply ingrained and individual; Secret Service trained handwriting analyst Michelle Dresbold calls it "brain writing."
This letter was written fast, not "drawn" by a forger. The zip shows the same number sizing as the 1990 card, (which LE originally branded as fake). The zip doesn’t show any sign of being laboriously copied, as a forger would.
I thought this site was made so folks could express their opinions without being shouted down. You can’t simply tell someone "Quit entertaining the idea that this letter might be real." The reasonable thing to do, if you want others to believe as you believe, is to show them proof. You don’t have to post the name. Just post the sample of the writer’s writing that you obviously saw. That may lay the argument to rest, if the match is close enough.
As morf said, "GESTR, in this instance, we are pretty sure that the person that wrote this IS indeed a girl, and we know who she is."
Well, "pretty sure" isn’t good enough. Please put your facts on the table. This is not an academic exercise; it’s a matter of life and death.
I am not going to name this person publicly, and by sharing information I would be doing just that.
In this case, with this author, it simply in NOT a matter of life and death.
We do not need to offer you proof. Sorry if this offends you. While this person is mimicking Zodiac, they have made it clear (elsewhere) they studied his handwriting and know a lot of specific traits.
This person is simply infatuated with Graysmith. Some will simply choose to believe this is Zodiac, no matter what is said. I can assure you, it is not something I am just guessing. No one is telling you to quit. By all means, look into it. It wasn’t hard to figure out…just knew what I was looking at.
As I wrote in my last post: You do not have to name this person publicly.
Just provide a sample of the handwriting.
Oh, I forgot. You wrote "We do not need to offer you proof."
??? I guess this is a pastime for you.
But some are here for serious reasons: to discover the whole truth and follow whatever leads may turn up, not to squelch them without offering proof.
Tahoe is not the only person who came to this conclusion. There are about five people who came to a consensus on this and as Tahoe said it was not sent with ill intent. Think about it, if this were a true Zodiac letter why would Sandy and Zam be given a copy of it? Wouldn’t it be in the hands of LE like the 1990 card was? Wouldn’t it have been written about in the Chronicle, like the 1990 card was? This missive did not pass muster and Fagan threw them a bone. End of story.