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Another possible Z comunication? (from old board)

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Gestr, please drop it once and for all. The person that wrote it is not zodiac, and just because we don’t want to name the person publicly, or share the info with you, does not mean that we are ignoring a possible zodiac letter, or missing a big clue. The person that wrote it knows who they are, and so do we,and they are NOT the Zodiac. Please drop this NOW!

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 30, 2014 10:06 am
Posts: 69
Trusted Member

Tahoe is not the only person who came to this conclusion. There are about five people who came to a consensus on this and as Tahoe said it was not sent with ill intent. Think about it, if this were a true Zodiac letter why would Sandy and Zam be given a copy of it? Wouldn’t it be in the hands of LE like the 1990 card was? Wouldn’t it have been written about in the Chronicle, like the 1990 card was? This missive did not pass muster and Fagan threw them a bone. End of story.

William Hierens, a petty thief, pled guilty to the Degnan murder, recanted yet served a life sentence attorney-at-law William Rasmussen says was unjustly imposed, after looking at the evidence kept by one of the detectives. On 3-9-2012, LAPD detective Stephanie Lazarus was found guilty in the murder of Sherri Rasmussen, a cold case for 23 years. LE let Stephanie slide, because they "knew" she couldn’t’ve done it.

So, LE is not infallible. LE makes mistakes, like when they originally said the 1990 card was a forgery.

Five people may have reached a consensus that they "know" who wrote this card. But if they offer no proof, that’s not very convincing. End of story.

Posted : January 30, 2014 10:19 am
Posts: 69
Trusted Member

Gestr, please drop it once and for all. The person that wrote it is not zodiac, and just because we don’t want to name the person publicly, or share the info with you, does not mean that we are ignoring a possible zodiac letter, or missing a big clue. The person that wrote it knows who they are, and so do we,and they are NOT the Zodiac. Please drop this NOW!


OK. I didn’t see your directive until after I already posted a reply to Seagull.

If this topic riles you so that you have to shout about it, why don’t you delete the whole thread, so that no one will ever know this fake letter exists?

Posted : January 30, 2014 10:29 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator


Most here know I take this case very seriously.

While I appreciate very much this information was shared I am also glad we were able to figure out it was not Zodiac. Maybe this person will come forward one day and admit to it. After all, they are not claiming to be Zodiac. This is also NOT the first time we have discovered someone sending Zodiac-like things to people directly involved in this case. People do it all the time. The last one copped up to it!

I know you are frustrated not being made aware of what we know. There is a reason we don’t post it. Probably not unlike the reason you don’t say who admitted to you they were Zodiac.

(edit: at least I thought it was you who wrote that.)

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : January 30, 2014 10:31 am
Posts: 69
Trusted Member


Most here know I take this case very seriously.

While I appreciate very much this information was shared I am also glad we were able to figure out it was not Zodiac. Maybe this person will come forward one day and admit to it. After all, they are not claiming to be Zodiac. This is also NOT the first time we have discovered someone sending Zodiac-like things to people directly involved in this case. People do it all the time. The last one copped up to it!

I know you are frustrated not being made aware of what we know. There is a reason we don’t post it. Probably not unlike the reason you don’t say who admitted to you they were Zodiac.

Well, it seems you just "figured out it was not Zodiac" right here, just now, on this thread. IMO, the discussion here does not represent an in-depth analysis, by any means.

Posted : January 30, 2014 10:49 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator


Most here know I take this case very seriously.

While I appreciate very much this information was shared I am also glad we were able to figure out it was not Zodiac. Maybe this person will come forward one day and admit to it. After all, they are not claiming to be Zodiac. This is also NOT the first time we have discovered someone sending Zodiac-like things to people directly involved in this case. People do it all the time. The last one copped up to it!

I know you are frustrated not being made aware of what we know. There is a reason we don’t post it. Probably not unlike the reason you don’t say who admitted to you they were Zodiac.

Well, it seems you just "figured out it was not Zodiac" right here, just now, on this thread. IMO, the discussion here does not represent an in-depth analysis, by any means.

Absolutely not the case. I figured it out a long time ago and have all the evidence to prove it. It has been shared with the appropriate people in a private matter. Because you don’t know what we know does not mean it was not taken very seriously. Sorry if that upsets you.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : January 30, 2014 10:54 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Gestr…last chance, PLEASE drop it. Let’s end the discussion, you now know where we stand and what our decision is.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 30, 2014 10:58 am
Posts: 69
Trusted Member


Most here know I take this case very seriously.

While I appreciate very much this information was shared I am also glad we were able to figure out it was not Zodiac. Maybe this person will come forward one day and admit to it. After all, they are not claiming to be Zodiac. This is also NOT the first time we have discovered someone sending Zodiac-like things to people directly involved in this case. People do it all the time. The last one copped up to it!

I know you are frustrated not being made aware of what we know. There is a reason we don’t post it. Probably not unlike the reason you don’t say who admitted to you they were Zodiac.

(edit: at least I thought it was you who wrote that.)

I don’t recall posting that. I searched my posts, and cannot find that I ever posted such a thing.

Posted : January 30, 2014 11:03 am
Posts: 69
Trusted Member

Gestr…last chance, PLEASE drop it. Let’s end the discussion, you now know where we stand and what our decision is.

"Last chance?" Well, this is a revelation. I was under the impression that what you wrote on the Welcome board was operational:

Many of you know me from other Zodiac forums. I try to avoid the Egos , politics,games, and battles that you sometimes see at other forums. This is a hobby for me, as I am sure it is for a lot of other people, and the last thing I want to do is stress over something I enjoy. I hope everyone else feels that way as well. I want everyone that becomes a member here to feel comfortable, and have a good time. At this forum, you won’t get talked down to, no matter what your level of knowledge regarding the case, and you will not have to worry about being banned for having your own opinion, or not agreeing with the powers that be.

I can see that keeping my own opinion stressed you, by your use of caps. I hope I won’t get banned. I’ll keep my opinion to myself from now on, but I may still need to ask a question from time to time. I’m almost finished with my writing project, after which I won’t need to come back.

Posted : January 30, 2014 11:14 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator


Most here know I take this case very seriously.

While I appreciate very much this information was shared I am also glad we were able to figure out it was not Zodiac. Maybe this person will come forward one day and admit to it. After all, they are not claiming to be Zodiac. This is also NOT the first time we have discovered someone sending Zodiac-like things to people directly involved in this case. People do it all the time. The last one copped up to it!

I know you are frustrated not being made aware of what we know. There is a reason we don’t post it. Probably not unlike the reason you don’t say who admitted to you they were Zodiac.

(edit: at least I thought it was you who wrote that.)

I don’t recall posting that. I searched my posts, and cannot find that I ever posted such a thing.

Sorry…you stated your POI had convinced you he was Z. Not that he admitted to it. But, he "knows you know too much".


My living POI has convinced me he’s Z. He know’s I know too much. Z’s still very dangerous–this is no time for the SFPD to be playing politics.


So we can say the same to you. Why don’t YOU share? You claim to know who he is. Could this not be a matter of life or death? If you know who he is, why don’t you just tell us or share some other info to prove it?

Just know. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. It is your tone and rude, insulting replies that don’t go over too kindly. I hope your "writing project" turns out well.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : January 30, 2014 11:45 am
Posts: 334
Reputable Member

I’ve forgotten what this thread was about.

Posted : January 30, 2014 5:59 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member
Topic starter

LOL , The bottom line is its about a letter that was sent by someone who could have been the Zodiac, but because 5 people think it wasn’t, they it should be dropped. It started with a copy of a letter/ bone that was given to Zam and I by our friend Kevin Fagan, that we shared with everyone. It was never even shown to LE as far as I know ,is why they don’t have it. SFPD are no longer interested in anything Z related unless it is Stine’s wallet or his cab keys. The Eureka Card was kept for how many yrs before it was looked at ? I have a feeling this thread would have taken a different direction if it would have been given to any one the those 5 "experts" on the Zodiac case. No one even the experts knows anything for sure,that is one reason why the Zodiac is still unsolved. "Everyone" is guessing about everything including myself.

I don’t think that who ever wrote that letter ,would have written things that could have been disproved by Graysmith in a NY minute, if they were not factual.
If they are factual and there is a chance that they are, then that person had to have watched Graysmith and his son while Graysmith was still working at the SF Chron. Who ever it was ,wanted Graysmith to know he was being watched and wanted to prove it by what he/ she wrote. That alone is pretty scary Zodiac or not !

Posted : January 31, 2014 12:53 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator


I meant that people shouldn’t waste their time, but if people choose to…that is fine by me.

I think most people who truly know me, you being one, would know I would NEVER throw something out there like this on a whim. It was looked at very closely. Each and every line, each and every comparison. And recently I found more undeniable proof.

Also, who knows? Maybe this person DID have this encounter with Graysmith. I am not denying that could have happened. It could be what originally led to that infatuation with him. Heck, maybe this person even knew Zodiac. Who am I to say who they may have known or not known. All I can say, without a doubt is this letter writer was not the Zodiac killer.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : January 31, 2014 1:36 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

I don’t think that who ever wrote that letter ,would have written things that could have been disproved by Graysmith in a NY minute, if they were not factual.
If they are factual and there is a chance that they are, then that person had to have watched Graysmith and his son while Graysmith was still working at the SF Chron. Who ever it was ,wanted Graysmith to know he was being watched and wanted to prove it by what he/ she wrote. That alone is pretty scary Zodiac or not !

Sandy your last paragraph is right on and what we have been trying to say all along. The person is not Zodiac but someone who is infatuated with Graysmith.


Posted : January 31, 2014 2:04 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member
Topic starter


I meant that people shouldn’t waste their time, but if people choose to…that is fine by me.

I think most people who truly know me, you being one, would know I would NEVER throw something out there like this on a whim. It was looked at very closely. Each and every line, each and every comparison. And recently I found more undeniable proof.

Also, who knows? Maybe this person DID have this encounter with Graysmith. I am not denying that could have happened. It could be what originally led to that infatuation with him. Heck, maybe this person even knew Zodiac. Who am I to say who they may have known or not known. All I can say, without a doubt is this letter writer was not the Zodiac killer.

Tahoe You are right, I do know you and you like all of us have your own opinions about this case , there is nothing wrong with that. Different ideas make these message boards more interesting. What I am saying is no mater how much we believe , think or investigate something. It won’t change the fact that we just don’t know anything is for sure, we can’t, only the Zodiac himself knows what he has done or not done.

Kevin told us that he will give us any Zodiac news he receives and copies of any new Zodiac letters he gets, we can share them only when he gives the ok. I would think that everyone would like to see anything Z related , but to assume it is a hoax because 4 other people agree it is a hoax, seems wrong to me.
We like Kevin as a person whom we have had the pleasure of knowing, as well as a very good Zodiac reporter and are lucky that he likes us well enough to share.

People can think and believe what ever they want, but none of us can say a fact is a fact with out proving it to be so. I know who it is that you feel wrote that letter and I agree it is something that she is capable of doing, I don’t trust her at all. Regardless ,we can’t know for sure she did it unless she tells us she did.

Example, I could say that the person I have as a suspect is for sure thee Zodiac, because I did investigate him for many yrs and know with out any doubt he is Zodiac. He looks like him, walks , talks , writes like him. (Of couse I have many more reasons to believe he is ), but I can’t state is as a fact that I "know" he is ,even though I do believe it. I can only say I do" believe" with out any doubt that he is.

I hope I made some sense about stating anything as fact with out real proof ?

Posted : January 31, 2014 3:52 am
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