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Another possible Z comunication? (from old board)

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QT, I am going to change my Avatar to Jim Carrey from Dumb & Dumber, and change my signature to, ‘so there’s a chance’….just for you.

I will break it down like this for you, and then I will not address this issue again. The card that came from the SF Chronicle was obtained by Zam & Sandy. Somebody had mailed the card into the SF Chron attention-Robert Graysmith.

The card had lots of quirks, words, and phrases, that were very similar to those used by a member of this forum. Some people got suspicious, and researched the member.

Low and behold, they found the member had posted identical messages contained in the card on Graysmith’s site on the net. They used the same identical material, before this card was posted on the forum. That person is a woman….she is in her 50’s…she is NOT Zodiac….case solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again, we are all investigating this great mystery,but sometimes we solve little parts of the mystery, and this is one of those times.

I also agree, the writing in this card is one of the better hoaxed letters I have ever seen.This woman definitely studied, researched, and analyzed zodiac’s writing, and put it to use here….but she is NOT ZODIAC.

Why is this still a mystery? This is one reason I hate a hoaxer, they get us talking about everything else besides what we should be talking about.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : February 5, 2014 6:26 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

To address Justice Seeker’s post from my perspective-

Back in 2012 the only thing pointing to this one person as having written the hoaxed letters was on the old forum. Once Trav reposted the thread here, and I’m not sure why he did that, a renewed effort was made to find evidence that these letters were a hoax, aside from what was at this forum. That evidence was found and presented privately to the mods, the majority decided to then act on the situation, bring it to a head and confront that person. It really was a matter of putting the thing aside and then revisiting it with new eyes which sealed the deal.


Posted : February 5, 2014 6:44 pm
Posts: 334
Reputable Member

This is one reason I hate a hoaxer, they get us talking about everything else besides what we should be talking about.

BAM! I think the only thing curious about this hoaxed letter, if I recall correctly, was Graysmith’s reaction to it (or lack thereof). According to Sandy, he wanted nothing to do with it and didn’t even bother to look at it. If it were me, curiosity would have gotten the best of me and I’d just HAVE to take a peek. I’ve wondered if Graysmith was honestly THAT SURE his suspect was Zodiac to not even bother. Or maybe Graysmith and the Chronicle got so much of this crap, it wasn’t worth the effort anymore.

Posted : February 5, 2014 7:43 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Well..everybody knows my avatar pic I already use.. :p

Posting phrases of the card, if identical at all, could mean that she had known about the card earlier than it was sent to the SF Chronicle. If at all: The card was sent in 2010, so any information about it two years later would mean no discrepancy.

With her being in her fifties, e.g. 55 yrs. old, she was about 10 years old in 1969 or something between 7 and 13 when LHR had happened. As she had mentioned, a little girl. Did anybody, besides blaming her for the hoax, ask her if she had actually any idea who Z was, in her opinion? Surely it wasn’t her..

I’d like to ask, simply to see if there is any reaction, but well..

BTW, what about female DNA on the stamps?

(someone must have written all those letters..)


Posted : February 5, 2014 8:09 pm
Posts: 1588
Member Moderator

This is one reason I hate a hoaxer, they get us talking about everything else besides what we should be talking about.

BAM! I think the only thing curious about this hoaxed letter, if I recall correctly, was Graysmith’s reaction to it (or lack thereof). According to Sandy, he wanted nothing to do with it and didn’t even bother to look at it. If it were me, curiosity would have gotten the best of me and I’d just HAVE to take a peek. I’ve wondered if Graysmith was honestly THAT SURE his suspect was Zodiac to not even bother. Or maybe Graysmith and the Chronicle got so much of this crap, it wasn’t worth the effort anymore.

I feel the Chronicle & perhaps Graysmith have received way too much correspondence. I saw the folder of emails, letters & etc that have been sent to "The Chronicle" and it was overwhelming. Even if there was one good clew in there or info on the real Z, it might be impossible to find, weeding through everyone else’s theories. The reporters, like Kevin Fagan who care about this case also have a busy schedule & many, many deadlines to meet on the current stories. And yes, I bet Graysmith is tired of the wacko’s & is on a perpetual break. Put yourself in Graysmith’s shoes since the beginning of his obsession of The Zodiac, all his researching before the days of the internet, writing his book, everyone’s opinion’s (I give him credit for all of his research, back in that day! Much more then I feel others would of dug up!)
But if it were me, I would still want to look over any letters mailed in, as you just never know…

If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : February 5, 2014 8:29 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

This is one reason I hate a hoaxer, they get us talking about everything else besides what we should be talking about.

BAM! I think the only thing curious about this hoaxed letter, if I recall correctly, was Graysmith’s reaction to it (or lack thereof). According to Sandy, he wanted nothing to do with it and didn’t even bother to look at it. If it were me, curiosity would have gotten the best of me and I’d just HAVE to take a peek. I’ve wondered if Graysmith was honestly THAT SURE his suspect was Zodiac to not even bother. Or maybe Graysmith and the Chronicle got so much of this crap, it wasn’t worth the effort anymore.

I feel the Chronicle & perhaps Graysmith have received way too much correspondence. I saw the folder of emails, letters & etc that have been sent to "The Chronicle" and it was overwhelming. Even if there was one good clew in there or info on the real Z, it might be impossible to find, weeding through everyone else’s theories. The reporters, like Kevin Fagan who care about this case also have a busy schedule & many, many deadlines to meet on the current stories. And yes, I bet Graysmith is tired of the wacko’s & is on a perpetual break. Put yourself in Graysmith’s shoes since the beginning of his obsession of The Zodiac, all his researching before the days of the internet, writing his book, everyone’s opinion’s (I give him credit for all of his research, back in that day! Much more then I feel others would of dug up!)
But if it were me, I would still want to look over any letters mailed in, as you just never know…

Definitely if you can do so..would be enough stuff for us to look into, I guess.



Posted : February 5, 2014 8:36 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member
Topic starter

Graysmith has no interest in the Zodiac case, he still believes Allen was the Zodiac, now that Allen is dead, case over as far as he is concerned. I heard that ( not in those exact words ) straight from Graysmith’s mouth a few months back ,that he is done with Zodiac. That is why he would not be interested in any Zodiac information or mail about Zodiac. He is a busy man writing more books .

It is too bad that we can’t have a "side bar" on subjects that are a waste of time for the people who are not interested in this or other discussions. It is only a waste of time for you if you keep participating in it.

When I see posts that I don’t like or I am not interested in and that I feel are a waste of my time, I find other threads that interest me.

As far as PM’s ,I sometimes don’t notice that I have some for weeks. I have given my email address to most of the people who send them to me, so I don’t miss their questions, because I don’t always remember to check to see if I have messages. (Thought you should know that not all of us check for them every day.)

Posted : February 5, 2014 11:22 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator


This person gave clues in the letter as to how Robert could find them on the message board. I’m actually quite surprised more weren’t a bit more perceptive. Now that aside…of course we only had a screen name. Until recently.

The nice thing about this person is we didn’t need their handwriting. All we needed were their posts. They wrote things identical to what was in that letter BEFORE Sandy and Zam shared it. So it was either them or they were psychic.


Back in August, 2012 you posted that you knew who this person was, you were 100% positive…so why the long wait to ban them?


Yes. I knew who the poster/member was within just a few minutes of that letter being shared.

I gathered my comparisons and notified the reporter who originally gave a copy of this letter to Sandy & Zam–Kevin Fagan. He concurred he thought I had discovered the member who wrote the letter to R.G.

At that time, I didn’t know who the actual person was. There were times when it was discussed if it could have been Deb P., or maybe the same gal who sent the (newer) creepy letter to Donna Lass’s sister, Zodiac himself, or someone new.

Since we weren’t sure we let this person continue to post in the hopes we could find out more information. And luckily, it worked! Her new posts led me to search elsewhere in which an actual name was obtained.

While the letter to Graysmith was very real, the writing itself was made to appear as if the writer was Zodiac, or one who wrote the letters. Maybe Graysmith already knows who this person is…who knows? All I know is we now know more and it is out of our hands and unless "she" wants to come back and be honest about what happened and tell her TRUE story…there is no need for pretending. ;)

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : February 6, 2014 12:05 am
Posts: 334
Reputable Member

So Zodiac might have been a member here, and you banned him. Great. (ok, just kidding)

Posted : February 6, 2014 3:41 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

So Zodiac might have been a member here, and you banned him. Great. (ok, just kidding)

That would be a classic if Z came on here, and got himself banned. :lol:

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : February 6, 2014 6:19 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

So Zodiac might have been a member here, and you banned him. Great. (ok, just kidding)

That would be a classic if Z came on here, and got himself banned. :lol:

I actually think he’d be smarter than that. He’d blend right in like an old pal. Probably even offer truths along the way…ones we might even laugh at.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : February 6, 2014 10:55 am
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

Nice work, mod squad. I don’t know anything about this person or her history but if someone is deliberately creating false "evidence", we don’t need them posting here. It’s sociopathic, attention-seeking and we simply don’t need any more false case evidence.

Posted : February 6, 2014 11:03 am
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Nice work, mod squad. I don’t know anything about this person or her history but if someone is deliberately creating false "evidence", we don’t need them posting here. It’s sociopathic, attention-seeking and we simply don’t need any more false case evidence.

Absolutely…it’s kind of spooky, even. But the explanation for why they let the hoaxter continue posting for 17 more months after Tahoe claims to have solved this little mystery doesn’t pass muster for me. You don’t need to know who the person really is in order to know they perpetrated a fraud…


Posted : February 6, 2014 3:00 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Nice work, mod squad. I don’t know anything about this person or her history but if someone is deliberately creating false "evidence", we don’t need them posting here. It’s sociopathic, attention-seeking and we simply don’t need any more false case evidence.

Absolutely…it’s kind of spooky, even. But the explanation for why they let the hoaxter continue posting for 17 more months after Tahoe claims to have solved this little mystery doesn’t pass muster for me. You don’t need to know who the person really is in order to know they perpetrated a fraud…


That’s not entirely true. The letter, as it was written, had so many Zodiac-like traits,habits,styles,etc,it wasn’t one you could just look at sand say, ‘that’s not z’. They definitely went thru alot of time & effort making it look real. The clincher for me, was a 2 parter,one in reading a post from a woman on a Graysmith related page,that was identical, and the second was when I confronted her, and she did not deny any of the accusations. I knew that what we had found was correct, so people still holding onto it being real are entitled to think what they want, I am comfortable that I know the truth. As I said, it’s probably the best hoaxed letter out there.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : February 6, 2014 3:39 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Nice work, mod squad. I don’t know anything about this person or her history but if someone is deliberately creating false "evidence", we don’t need them posting here. It’s sociopathic, attention-seeking and we simply don’t need any more false case evidence.

Absolutely…it’s kind of spooky, even. But the explanation for why they let the hoaxter continue posting for 17 more months after Tahoe claims to have solved this little mystery doesn’t pass muster for me. You don’t need to know who the person really is in order to know they perpetrated a fraud…


Hi JS,

I hear what you are saying (read what you are writing :) ). Believe me, it was something we all deliberated over. You have to remember there are several of us mods and we all have different ideas, approaches, thoughts, etc.

While I was confident right away, I still needed to present the information in a way I wasn’t just saying "believe me"…and even when I did, all we had was the member. This person could have been anyone. DID we know it was a fraud?

For those who think there was a possibility this could have been Zodiac, you don’t want to ban them, you want to seek more information. While there were similarities to Zodiac’s writings, I personally didn’t think it was from Zodiac. Others thought it was close. Many who have read posts here know we mods have a difference of opinions when it comes to Zodiac letters, etc.(I’m always the nay-sayer ), and it’s not just the moderators. We all look a things differently.

Interest in a subject comes and goes. Something new will light a fire. That is pretty much what happened. It was just a matter of time.

If this person was being truthful, I ask them to come back and share their story. If it’s true there is nothing to hide. Tell us about it. They stated the card was to get Graysmith’s attention and they apologize. Maybe the handwriting was as well. Maybe they can clarify for us why they took that approach.

Morf gave them the opportunity, privately, to discuss it. This person posted here publicly during the time period he allotted them…with no acknowledgement of having read the PM–anyone can tell when a PM has been seen. Morf is ultimately the one to hit the ban button.

Maybe some need to ask themselves what they would do. I think we all might have different answers.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : February 6, 2014 11:25 pm
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