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Did Z Stalk ALL Vic…
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Did Z Stalk ALL Victims Before His Crimes?

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I see several posts here and there mentioning stalking. Do you think that Zodiac stalked all his victims for some time before murdering them, or do you think that they were just convenient, spur of the moment? Did he not have to know all the locations well and when kids would most likely be there? If he did Domingos and Edwards, quite an out-of-the-way location, how did he just "happen" to be there? Essentially, the same with the rest of the victims. I believe he found persons that filled his bill, and followed them for some time before acting–maybe even weeks. Or, is this just too obvious; yes, of course, he stalked them. All information, pro and con welcome. :geek:

Posted : May 13, 2017 11:42 pm
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

I’m convinced he did not stalk Jensen and Faraday at Lake Herman Road. There were too many other people right there and driving by, both immediately before and after, for him to have been lurking nearby in his car, waiting for that window of opportunity.

He drove up, shot them, and left in a hurry.

Posted : May 13, 2017 11:54 pm
Posts: 26
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Thanks Marshall for your quick reply.

Posted : May 14, 2017 12:33 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

There’s been a lot of speculation about Darlene Ferrin having a stalker that came into her work, drove by her home,came to the ‘painting party’ etc but no solid evidence. The other victims all appear to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 14, 2017 1:20 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Stalking goes back to knowing his victim(s). Or, at least "knowing of" them. So, that opens the door to the various scenarios we’ve discussed over the years.

LHR–could be something along the lines of David and the drug comments at the pancake house, and coincidentally, a drug bust on LHR just prior to their murders.
BRS–could again be associated with drugs. "Fireworks"? Many other possibilities.
LB–I don’t see any personal stalking, but victims were certainly stalked at the lake that day.
PS–The question becomes, why Paul? How did Zodiac know where/how to locate him? What was the motive if he knew Paul.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : May 14, 2017 2:26 am
Posts: 26
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Thanks for the replies! I’m interested in the issue of stalking, because many years ago I was phone-stalked, which lasted for many months, maybe a year. I finally called the cops who said they would put a phone tap on my phone, but I had to prosecute if they located the stalker. I figured it was someone who knew me and my situation. Here’s some info on stalking:

https://victimsofcrime.org/our-programs … nformation

Victims can can eventually develop PTSD. I speculate that Z DID stalk his victims, which likely means he either knew them or knew something about them–maybe even something incriminating on a few. They weren’t just opportunistic. Yeah, I’m still looking into stalking. Depending upon the state, stalking can be a felony.


Posted : May 31, 2017 9:24 pm
Pettibon Junction
Posts: 258
Reputable Member

He didn’t stalk any of them, and I’m confident saying that. Barring Paul Stine, look at the PLACES he committed his crimes: lover’s lanes, outdoor recreation areas. Just as a deer hunter will know to set up his blind by a fruit tree, the Zodiac knew that if he was patient enough, he would find exactly the sorts of people he wanted to punish at these locations.

Any connection between Z and his victims is likely coincidental There’s a reason this guy’s never been caught and this is an investigative dead-end that, frankly, has been beaten to death.

"There are such devils."
-The Pledge

Posted : June 2, 2017 3:17 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I have to disagree with the above poster. Darlene was stalked for several months before she was killed. Her death could not be not random!
The man in the gray suit is still not ID’d. If he was Jim Phillips, Johanna and Pam would have said so. Neither knew who he was but didn’t care for him and Darlene did not want him there.
Recently Darlene’s younger sister Johanna has posted on Zodiac killer.com. She was at that party and has now confirmed what I have believed all along, that Gyke was not at that party!

I have asked Johanna to look at the picture of "mystery man" and tell us who that was at her uncle Franks home in SF. I am waiting for her to let us know for sure. I am convinced he is Jim Phillips and have seen that face so many times, I feel like I know him. But very happy that I don’t, he was not a nice person.

Posted : May 11, 2018 5:50 am
Pettibon Junction
Posts: 258
Reputable Member

I have to disagree with the above poster. Darlene was stalked for several months before she was killed. Her death could not be not random!
The man in the gray suit is still not ID’d. If he was Jim Phillips, Johanna and Pam would have said so. Neither knew who he was but didn’t care for him and Darlene did not want him there.
Recently Darlene’s younger sister Johanna has posted on Zodiac killer.com. She was at that party and has now confirmed what I have believed all along, that Gyke was not at that party!

I have asked Johanna to look at the picture of "mystery man" and tell us who that was at her uncle Franks home in SF. I am waiting for her to let us know for sure. I am convinced he is Jim Phillips and have seen that face so many times, I feel like I know him. But very happy that I don’t, he was not a nice person.

She was stalked, true, but not by her killer. She was stalked by a man named George Waters, who was cleared of any involvement.

"There are such devils."
-The Pledge

Posted : May 11, 2018 2:37 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

George waters liked Darlene that is true , so did many other "young" men. I am talking about a middle aged man who was seen by several of Darlene’s friends who also knew George. This older man is the man that Darlene told the babysitter she saw kill someone. Her Sister Pam assumed she saw that murder while Dee was in the Virgin Islands.

The man was also seen at Terry’s restaurant by Darlene’s father and Pam. He was the older man in the gray suit at the party. This same older man was seen by the baby sitter and told Darlene about him.She saw his face and described him to VPD as being older with a round face and curly brown hair , smoking in a white car with a large windshield.

Darlene knew she was being watched by the man and had told her friends that she was very afraid if him. He was not George Waters!

Darlene was killed because she knew something about that man and he killed her to shut her up is what I will always believe. He was able to make it look like a random killing. VPD did not take a close look at what Darlene was doing and who all of her friends were, to see she did know her killer. They didn’t do that because they believed it was random and that is what her killer wanted the police to believe and it worked! She was not the only Vallejo waitress being stalked by that man.

Posted : May 11, 2018 6:36 pm
Posts: 208
Estimable Member

LE didn’t believe it was random at first though. The immediate general opinion about the Lake Herman and Blue Rock Springs murders were that they were drug related and LE spent a lot of time working on that belief.

Only after the letters started coming in and more Z murders occurred in further areas did LE seriously consider they were dealing with a random serial killer.

Posted : May 12, 2018 3:40 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

LE didn’t believe it was random at first though. The immediate general opinion about the Lake Herman and Blue Rock Springs murders were that they were drug related and LE spent a lot of time working on that belief.

Only after the letters started coming in and more Z murders occurred in further areas did LE seriously consider they were dealing with a random serial killer.

I knew that LE thought that the Lake Herman rd shooting could have been a drug deal gone bad. That thought was short lived when they learned about how innocent both victims were.

I never read or heard anyone say anything about drugs at the Blue Rock Springs shooting. Mike M was able to tell the detectives what happened that night , I am pretty sure they believed what he told them.

Being that I was working in Vallejo at that time and was able to talk to people and hear what they read or heard, I know that I never heard that LE felt Darlene’s death had anything at all to do with drugs.

Most drug deals that go bad, don’t have a killer who calls the police, to tell them where to find the body’s and confess to being their killer. He claimed killing Betty Lou and David, making the caller a serial killer at that point.

Posted : May 12, 2018 10:15 am
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

So if she was killed by this, “stalker”, then we have to remove this crime as one comitted by the Zodiac.

Posted : May 13, 2018 5:13 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

So if she was killed by this, “stalker”, then we have to remove this crime as one committed by the Zodiac.

Not necessarily. It’s possible that Darlene’s killer (gained access to details of, and) claimed the LHR attack, for instance – and used the same MO as LHR, and assumed the Z persona as a smokescreen, and did 2 more killings out of the Vallejo area to cover his/their tracks.

So, if Darlene was the real target, it’s possible to consider "removing", as you say, LHR from the Z attacks. Not too likely perhaps, but surely possible. Z did claim in a letter he "sprayed them" with bullets at LHR – not a seemingly accurate acount of how he shot David there.

Posted : May 13, 2018 9:18 pm
Pettibon Junction
Posts: 258
Reputable Member

George waters liked Darlene that is true , so did many other "young" men. I am talking about a middle aged man who was seen by several of Darlene’s friends who also knew George. This older man is the man that Darlene told the babysitter she saw kill someone. Her Sister Pam assumed she saw that murder while Dee was in the Virgin Islands.

The man was also seen at Terry’s restaurant by Darlene’s father and Pam. He was the older man in the gray suit at the party. This same older man was seen by the baby sitter and told Darlene about him.She saw his face and described him to VPD as being older with a round face and curly brown hair , smoking in a white car with a large windshield.

Darlene knew she was being watched by the man and had told her friends that she was very afraid if him. He was not George Waters!

Darlene was killed because she knew something about that man and he killed her to shut her up is what I will always believe. He was able to make it look like a random killing. VPD did not take a close look at what Darlene was doing and who all of her friends were, to see she did know her killer. They didn’t do that because they believed it was random and that is what her killer wanted the police to believe and it worked! She was not the only Vallejo waitress being stalked by that man.

If there was a second stalker, you’d think this information would have come out during the initial canvass following the Blue Rock Springs attack. However, there is no mention of anyone other than waters in the initial police report. Darlene’s family made no mention of this until well into the 1970s and 1980s, and their story has changed numerous times over the years. There is no contemporaneous evidence that Darlene knew her killer and no compelling evidence has been discovered to the contrary in the nearly 50 years since. Were it that cut and dry, this case would have been solved decades ago.

I maintain that Zodiac didn’t know any of his victims (with the possible exception of Cheri Jo Bates, which may or may not be a Z crime), nor did he want to. He was a hunter checking trap-lines – nothing more.

"There are such devils."
-The Pledge

Posted : May 14, 2018 3:41 pm