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What the heck is this?

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Anyone know anything about this nonsense?


A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : July 20, 2014 1:41 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

The gentleman seems to believe the truth of his tale, if his body language and level of distress can be believed. Is it true? Who knows.
One fact makes little sense, to me. In 1956 when he was 11 he was able to drive a car "since he’d practised on his brother’s car of the same type" and indeed says he did so whilst his captor was performing oral sex upon him. He drove around Napa, looping back to Adrian and St Pueblo? That seems very odd.

Whatever the truth of the allegation, it might comfort him to learn that former Napa County Sheriff Phillip E. "Bucky" Stewart died on Thursday May 28th 1987. Although his colleagues and friends might want to ensure his memory remains untarnished, it’s unlikey they are stalking this gentleman just for kicks some 27 years later, I’d suggest.
http://boards.ancestry.com/localities.n … .1/mb.ashx

Mr. Stewart "supervised the child support program" during his working life in the DA’s office. Make of that what you will…

Doreen Heskett, who was allowed to walk home on her own at the age of 5 in Napa in 1963 and who disappeared having (it seems) gone in the wrong direction? She would seem an unlikey addition to the believed canonical victims of Ye Evile Zodiace.

http://napavalley.patch.com/groups/poli … en-heskett

Posted : July 20, 2014 4:26 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

I forget the details, but Seagull has more info I think, maybe she can chime in or you can pm her

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 20, 2014 4:28 pm
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

you would think with a traumatic event like this you could at least remember a date of occurence..the guy looks believeable but crack pots are very good at trickery..i have come across some really good liars and had the perp on tape doing the crime..i dont trust anything or anybody for that matter until I have explicit proof..i want to believe this guy for some reason but do not not due to the fact details of where it happened are about nil..all he wants to do is bash the cops and living in a trailer he wants money..kinda harsh but thats how i see it

Posted : September 2, 2014 11:37 pm
Posts: 1798
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The gentleman seems to believe the truth of his tale, if his body language and level of distress can be believed. Is it true? Who knows.
One fact makes little sense, to me. In 1956 when he was 11 he was able to drive a car "since he’d practised on his brother’s car of the same type" and indeed says he did so whilst his captor was performing oral sex upon him. He drove around Napa, looping back to Adrian and St Pueblo? That seems very odd.

Whatever the truth of the allegation, it might comfort him to learn that former Napa County Sheriff Phillip E. "Bucky" Stewart died on Thursday May 28th 1987. Although his colleagues and friends might want to ensure his memory remains untarnished, it’s unlikey they are stalking this gentleman just for kicks some 27 years later, I’d suggest.
http://boards.ancestry.com/localities.n … .1/mb.ashx

Mr. Stewart "supervised the child support program" during his working life in the DA’s office. Make of that what you will…

Doreen Heskett, who was allowed to walk home on her own at the age of 5 in Napa in 1963 and who disappeared having (it seems) gone in the wrong direction? She would seem an unlikey addition to the believed canonical victims of Ye Evile Zodiace.

http://napavalley.patch.com/groups/poli … en-heskett

Who the hell would let their 5 year old walk home alone?

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : September 4, 2014 10:17 am
Posts: 266
Reputable Member

"Who the hell would let their 5 year old walk home alone?"

I know that seems odd, but it was very different times. I remember walking home from kindergarten with my friends. I was around that age and that was in the 80’s. I’m guessing it was even more common back then.

I regards to the video it is interesting and deserves to be looked into further; however the part when he says that he knows this detective was also Z confuses me. He really did not provide any information as to why he feels the two are linked. Even if the cop was not Z, but what he said is true, then he deserved to be in jail (I know it’s too late). I really wonder why he felt this person was also the Zodiac? Or is this a tatic that he took to try and draw more attention to his claim?

Posted : September 4, 2014 6:47 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member
Topic starter

"Who the hell would let their 5 year old walk home alone?"

I know that seems odd, but it was very different times. I remember walking home from kindergarten with my friends. I was around that age and that was in the 80’s. I’m guessing it was even more common back then.

I regards to the video it is interesting and deserves to be looked into further; however the part when he says that he knows this detective was also Z confuses me. He really did not provide any information as to why he feels the two are linked. Even if the cop was not Z, but what he said is true, then he deserved to be in jail (I know it’s too late). I really wonder why he felt this person was also the Zodiac? Or is this a tatic that he took to try and draw more attention to his claim?

I walked home from school starting around the 3rd grade, in the 80s, but this was in a town of about 1,000 people and there was never any crime.

Yeah, the video is weird. To me it just seems like some odd old drunk guy rambling, but who knows.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : September 7, 2014 10:08 am
Dick Castle
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

I’m lost as to how he decided this molester was the Zodiac.

Posted : September 16, 2014 5:56 am
Posts: 180
Estimable Member

I’m lost as to how he decided this molester was the Zodiac.

Yeah, I don;t get it either. It’s a pretty big leap of logic.

Posted : September 16, 2014 7:14 am
Posts: 2
New Member

I recommend you all to see this – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAM3BdvsCOM

Posted : May 26, 2016 10:45 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

His story might very well be true but can’t see any connection to Z.



Posted : May 26, 2016 11:49 pm
Posts: 624
Honorable Member

Folks can find his pictures easily enough via Google. Bucky was a stocky guy, became quite portly in his later years. Looked quite a bit like the LB sketch; PH sketch, not so much. Hairline receding from his temples. Owned a cattle ranch, father was a rancher as well.

Apparently, the Youtube accusation is nothing new, though I don’t see a direct link to Zodiac. There was a time when people believed Zodiac became BTK and GRK, and we have to be wary of making similar leaps now.

Posted : May 27, 2016 4:29 am
Posts: 624
Honorable Member

Addendum: Bucky Stewart was one of the LB investigators.

http://zodiackillertruth.forumchitchat. … es-4956131

If he was Z, he committed murder on his own turf and investigated his own crime.

Posted : May 27, 2016 6:20 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

You are right Coffee Time, this accusation is not new. Some years back a different person accused Stewart, he did a YouTube that he had recorded after a few drinks so it had an air of comedy about it.

Regarding Doreen Heskett

There was a prime suspect in her murder, his name was Claude Ray. He had been a convicted child molester according to one article. This article also chronicles the crimes of Claude Ray and his subsequent murders of his two youngest daughters.

http://www.crimemagazine.com/forever-5- … en-heskett

In case you are leery of believing an online article, understandable, Ray appealed his conviction for the murder of his youngest daughter and that appeal can be read here-

http://law.justia.com/cases/california/ … 2/932.html

While the appeal does not address the murder of Doreen it does show that Ray was a long time child molester and capable of killing young children. He was convicted of killing only one of his daughters because the remains of the second daughter were never found. The guy was one sick a**hole.

Ray’s former wife, mother of the daughters who were killed, is still living in Napa County.


Posted : May 27, 2016 6:53 pm